Friday, July 11, 2008

Family Reunion Games

The summer is for getting together with family and friends and I have had a lot of questions concerning Family Reunions and activities.

Well if you want to play games that help get people to know the family and interact then consider: Family Reunion Get To Know You Games.

I have placed several on my site and really like the Family Photographer game / challenge as it gets the kids involved and you get lots of photos of the family.

Find details here for these games and others:

If you want games that the whole family could play then I suggest taking a look at the kid's games (yes, kids games) and then adapting them to your event. Kids games are fun and easy. So be creative and have fun. Here is a list of 70 kids games.

Another thing to keep in mind is have things for outdoor activities like a football, frisbee, etc... things the kids can do on their own while the adults are socializing.

Enjoy and have fun
Sarah - Party Game Ideas

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