Thursday, July 24, 2008

Party Planning Checklist - Plan Ahead for Success

Great parties look easy, however they start with good party planning and fun ideas.

People often ask how do you plan for a great party and I say, I start with my party planning checklist.

1. What is the occassion for the party?
Birthday, baby shower, neighborhood picnic.

2. What is the age range of attendees and who needs to be entertained?
Ages 3 - 6, 8 - 12 or 18 - 85!

3. Develop a theme or party concept
Consider a the person what they like to do, what is fun, is there anything going on in the world that would make this party even more special.
Note the Olympics are coming up so parties with an Olympic theme will be popular in August.

4. Party theme or story
This is not always part of the party but for a Pirate or Princess party it is nice to add a story to the party and makes it easy to weave in a treasure hunt or find the slipper game.
I started a list of Party ideas and theme - use as a guide or for ideas.

5. Decorations, party supplies, favors...
Decide what or if you need decorations, party supplies or favors for your event. Sometimes you can make your own other times it is easier to purchase them. If you do a movie or tv themed party, it is often easy to buy the supplies, because they look like the real deal.

6. Party games and activities
Be open to the idea of all kinds of games and activites and look to modify traditional games for your event or create something unique by combining a few games together.
Visit Party Games Ideas to get started - I find it is help to reveiw a list of games to get started.

7. Take your notes set it aside for a day ot two and then review your Party Plan, if you still like your idea and your notes go for it, otherwise revise and adjust til you are happy with it.

Sarah - Party Game Ideas Lady

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